This article is produced by scandiweb

scandiweb is the most certified Adobe Commerce (Magento) team globally, being a long-term official Adobe partner specializing in Commerce in EMEA and the Americas. eCommerce has been our core expertise for 20+ years.

Explainer video of ViewStart integration with Magento

Recently our client reached us with the commission to do a complete video platform re-design. We happily accepted the challenge and incorporate Magento online store into the video player by using a ViewStart extension. After finishing the redesign project – it was time to present it by creating a promotional video.

The ViewStart is the first platform that allows users to sell their products within video stream. This platform allows users to edit timelines and add products.

Promotional clip 1: eCommerce in video player

The initial idea for the promotional video was for it to expalin how intigrated eCommerce Store works within a video player. The challenge was to explain how the complex technology works in a simple video.

Our motion designer came up with very comprehensive video about ViewStart practical side, that you can see below:

ViewStart integration

The style of this video is based mainly on two colors — blue and white. The shapes, which stylized in most simplistic way, transform from one element to another, this way we keep the sense of continuation in one video.

Promotional clip 2: ViewStart extension for Magento

Out biggest atchivement of the redesign project was merging ViewStart with Magento platform. To explain how we did it we made another explainer video, which you can view below:

ViewStart & Magento

The biggest challenge was to tell how it works within 1 minute time, so we used very basic ways to complete the task :

  • Incorporated an actual character which shows us,
  • Intorduced the viewers,
  • Explained how ViewStart + Magento platform actually works within the display screen.

We exaggerate the way how the platform actually looks and works (no gnomes were harmed in the making of this video) different from reality. This way we show the complex work of ViewStart in simple and playful way, so users could easily understand how the it works.

If you are looking for a perfect explainer video for your brand or product, Scandiweb motion designers will be happy to help you. Drop us a line at [email protected] or check our portfolio.

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